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汽车技术英语论文提纲模板样本 汽车技术英语论文大纲怎样写有关写作资料

主题:汽车技术英语 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-22




  1. 五、高职公共英语基于“工作导向”的任务型教学模式研究论文提纲
  2. 四、卡特福德转换理论视角下汽车英语文本翻译中的转换论文提纲范文
  3. 三、专门用途英语课程设计研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、汽车英语翻译实践报告论文提纲范文
  5. 一、项目教学法在中职《汽车英语》课程中的应用研究论文提纲范文







List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Abbreviations

Chapter One Introduction

1-1 The current situation of HVE in China

1-2 The main problems existing in HVE English teaching

1-3 Significance and objectives

1-4 Organization of the thesis

Chapter Two Theoretical basis for work-related task-based teaching model

2-1 Vocational teaching models

2-1-1 Vocational teaching models in western countries

2-1-2 Vocational teaching models in China

2-2 Task-based language teaching

2-2-1 Some important terminologies in TBLT

2-2-2 Models of Task-based language teaching

2-2-3 Theoretical underpinnings of TBLT

2-2-4 TBLT implementation framework

2-3 Task-based language teaching in HVE English class in China

2-3-1 Task-based language teaching in China

2-3-2 English teaching in HVE in China

2-3-3 Work-related tasks

2-3-4 Qualification frameworks

2-3-5 The probability of TBLT in HVE English class

2-4 Conclusion

Chapter Three Background of constructing work-related task-based teaching model forAutomobile English

3-1 Predictability analysis of social demands

3-2 Qualification framework for English in the working posts related to automobiles

3-3 Series of task designing

3-4 Conclusion

Chapter Four 4T model and the teaching procedures of Automobile English

4-1 4T model in Automobile English course

4-2 Teaching framework in Automobile class

4-2-1 Work-related task design

4-2-2 The Implementation of work-related tasks

4-3 A Practical case of Automobile English

4-4 Conclusion

Chapter Five Analysis of the work-related task-based teaching model in automobile Englishclass

5-1 Guideline and goals

5-2 Teaching framework

5-3 Teacher and student's roles

5-4 Teaching strategies

5-5 Settings

5-5-1 In-campus Settings

5-5-2 Off-campus Settings

5-6 Conclusion

Chapter Six Evaluation of the work-related task-based language teaching model in HVEAutomobile English class

6-1 A Survey

6-1-1 Methodologies

6-1-2 Survey aims

6-1-3 Participants

6-1-4 Data collection

6-2 Results and analysis

6-2-1 An overall situation of students' understanding and viewpoints

6-2-2 A comparison between Class P and Class S

6-2-3 The analysis of teachers' interview

6-3 Conclusion

Chapter Seven Conclusion

7-1 Merits and drawbacks of work-related TBLT model in HIV English class

7-1-1 Merits of work-related TBLT model

7-1-2 Drawbacks of work-related TBLT model in HIV English class

7-2 Enlightenment and significance

7-3 Room for improvement


Appendix A

Appendix B






1- 任务描述

2- 任务过程

2-1 译前准备

2-1-1 词汇特点

2-1-1-1 低频词汇多,词义单一

2-1-1-2 合成词和派生词

2-1-1-3 符号和缩略词

2-1-1-4 名词的修饰语

2-1-2 句法特点

2-1-2-1 多用书面语、逻辑性强

2-1-2-2 多用被动句

2-1-2-3 多用后置定语、名词化结构和非谓语动词及长句

2-1-3 确定翻译策略

2-1-4 汽车行业文本翻译对译者的要求

2-1-4-1 扎实的汉语功底

2-1-4-2 英语语言能力

2-1-4-3 汽车专业知识

2-2 翻译过程

2-3 译后校对

3- 卡特福德及其翻译理论

3-1 卡特福德翻译语言学理论及其理论基础

3-2 卡特福德的两种转换

3-2-1 层次转换(level shifts)

3-2-2 范畴转换(category shifts)

3-2-2-1 结构转换

3-2-2-2 词类转换

3-2-2-3 单位转换

3-2-2-4 内部体系转换

4- 汽车英语文本翻译标准

4-1 精确性

4-2 忠实性

4-3 翻译等值

5- 案例分析:转换理论指导下的汽车行业英语文本翻译的可操作性

5-1 层次转换及其个例分析

5-2 范畴转换及其个例分析

5-2-1 结构转换及其个例分析

5-2-2 词类转换及其个例分析

5-2-3 单位转换及其个例分析

5-2-4 内部体系转换及其个例分析

6- 结语






Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Research Background

1-2 Objectives and Research Questions

1-3 Layout of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 A brief review of ESP

2-1-1 Definition of ESP

2-1-2 Origins of ESP

2-1-3 Development of ESP

2-1-4 Relation between ESP and EGP

2-1-5 English for Automobile-A Sub-branch of ESP

2-2 Needs Analysis

2-2-1 Definition of Needs and Needs Analysis

2-2-2 Models of Needs Analysis

2-3 ESP Course Design

2-3-1 Course Design

2-3-2 Approaches to Course Design

2-3-3 Application of ESP Course Design

Chapter 3 Research Method

3-1 Introduction

3-2 Research Design

3-2-1 The Practice Stage

3-2-2 The Application Stage

3-3 Data Collection

3-4 Procedures for Data Analysis

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4-1 The Results of the Survey

4-2 Open Questions

4-3 The Vocational Education of English(Motor Vehicle program) Course System

4-4 Findings:Relationships among Knowledge,Ability and Quality in Cultivating Applied English Personnel

4-5 Findings:Specifications and Standards for Applied English Personnel Cultivation

4-5-1 Quality

4-5-2 Operational Requirements

4-6 Features of application of English(Motor Vehicle Program)

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Orders for Vocational Education Training in Line with the Law

5-2 Training on the Orders of the Significance of Vocational Education Reform

5-3 Future Research and Practice

5-4 Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions

5-5 Limitations and Future Research


Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ

Appendix Ⅲ

Appendix Ⅳ


有关论文范文主题研究: 关于汽车技术英语论文提纲文章 大学生适用: 5000字学校学生论文、2000字学位论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 168 写作解决问题: 论文框架怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文模板、论文选题 职称论文适用: 职称评定、中级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 汽车技术英语方向 论文提纲推荐度: 免费大纲




Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Project Background

1-2 Project Objective

1-3 Project Significance

1-4 Summary

Chapter Two Original Text Introduction

2-1 About the Author of the Original Text

2-2 About the Text

2-3 Analysis of the Original Text

2-4 Characteristics of the Original Text

2-4-1 Figures(Graphs,Tables and Diagrams)

2-4-2 Interdisciplinary

2-4-3 Objectivity

2-5 Summary

Chapter Three Translation Strategies

3-1 Translation Process

3-1-1 Preparation

3-1-2 Translating Stage

3-1-3 Proofreading

3-2 Translation Theories

3-2-1 About Eugene Nida

3-2-2 Dynamic Equivalence

3-2-3 Functional Equivalence

3-3 Summary

Chapter Four Techniques of Automotive Translation

4-1 Technical Terms

4-1-1 Transplantation

4-1-2 Transliteration

4-1-3 Pictographic Translation

4-2 Amplification

4-3 Omission

4-3-1 Omitting Articles

4-3-2 Omitting Prepositions

4-3-3 Omitting Pronouns

4-3-4 Omitting Conjunctions

4-4 Conversion

4-4-1 Converting into Verbs

4-4-2 Converting into Nouns

4-5 Repetition

4-5-1 Repeating the Omitted Part

4-5-2 Repeating the Antecedents

4-5-3 Repeating Pronouns

4-5-4 Repeating Verbs

4-6 Splitting

4-7 Combining

4-8 Reversing

4-9 Summary

Chapter Five Common Problems in Translating

5-1 Problems in Translating Technical Terms

5-2 Misunderstanding of the Original Text

5-3 Overtranslation

5-4 Undertranslation

5-5 Summary

Chapter Six Conclusion

6-1 An Overview of this Translation Project

6-2 Remaining Problems









第一章 引言

1-1 研究背景

1-2 研究意义

1-3 研究方法

1-4 论文结构

第二章 文献综述

2-1 项目教学法的内涵

2-1-1 项目的定义

2-1-2 项目教学法的定义

2-1-3 项目教学法的构成要素

2-2 项目教学法的理论基础

2-2-1 建构主义学习理论

2-2-2 人本主义学习理论

2-2-3 合作学习理论

2-3 项目教学法的已有研究

2-3-1 国外相关研究

2-3-2 国内相关研究

第三章 项目应用设计

3-1 项目教学的可行性

3-1-1 课程概述

3-1-2 学生的学习需求

3-1-3 职业化的培养目标

3-1-4 项目化的教学内容

3-2 教学项目的设计

3-2-1 设计原则

3-2-2 内容设计

3-2-3 实施条件及步骤

第四章 实验及应用效果分析

4-1 教学实验

4-1-1 研究设计

4-1-2 具体实施程序

4-2 数据收集与分析

4-2-1 对测试数据的分析

4-2-2 对调查问卷数据的分析

4-2-3 对访谈数据的分析

4-3 实验结果及启示

第五章 结语

5-1 研究结论

5-2 研究的局限与建议











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[3] 汽车技术英语论文提纲模板样本 汽车技术英语论文大纲怎样写
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