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英语开题报告的标准格式 毕业论文的开题报告模板有关写作资料

主题:英语开题报告的标准格式 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-17




  1. 2、1 The Background Theories
  2. 2、2 The Relationship Between Language and Culture
  3. 2、3 Cultural Goals
  4. 2、4 Teaching Culture in the English Classroom
  5. 2、5 Conclusion


Research Proposal

The Teaching of Culture in the English Language Education

I. Introduction

In teaching English as a foreign language, the importance of teaching culture has been widely recognized. However how to teach culture in foreign language education is a problem faced by language educators all over the world. In the present thesis concerning linguistic theories and various ways of teaching foreign culture in the English classroom will be surveyed and studied in the light of Chinese situation. The present thesis stresses that culture teaching is very essential in the English language education. The teaching of language and the teaching of culture are of the same importance in the English classroom.

Language and culture are closely related. In foreign language education, the definition of culture teaching should include all the human achievements of civilization and the ways of life and the different habits of people. Culture differences are reflected in languages and municative activities. Furthermore it makes great difference in munication whether learners can understand or know the cultural differences, cultural rules, and even the cultural taboos.

However, in traditional approaches to language teaching, the aims of a language teaching course are very often defined with reference to the four ", language skills ",: understanding speech, speaking, reading and writing. Culture teaching is not taken so important a teaching target as the above mentioned language skills. Because of the lack of cultural knowledge, students often make cultural mistakes when they municate with native speakers.

From years of my experience in teaching English, I gradually realize the importance of culture teaching to Chinese students. English teaching should be aimed at developing students&rsquo, municative petence so that they would be able to react freely and proper with native speakers of English in various social situations. Language should be taught in culture. The two are of the same importance.

II. Outline

2、1 The Background Theories

In this part I will describe the theories of municative petence by D. Hymes and M, A. K. Halliday, which have led to a change of focus in English teaching. The theories show us the importance of culture teaching and that language and culture are intertwined, that it is not possible to teach a foreign language without teaching its culture.

2、2 The Relationship Between Language and Culture

I will discuss the relationship between language and culture in this part. What is culture What is language Is there diversity among cultures How do language and culture interact

2、3 Cultural Goals

In this part, I will discuss the cultural goals for Chinese students. Some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.

2、4 Teaching Culture in the English Classroom

In this part, I will discuss the content and methods of teaching culture in the English classroom.

2、5 Conclusion

From the above research we can naturally e to the conclusion that only by applying mehods enhancing transcultural munications and conducting research into English teaching methodology can we greatly stimulate the reform and development of English teaching.


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[1] 英语开题报告的标准格式 毕业论文的开题报告模板
[2] 开题报告的标准格式 毕业论文开题报告的格式
[3] 英语开题报告的写作指南 开题报告格式
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