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主题:浙江财经大学开题答辩 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-18





  1. 浙江财经大学开题答辩:东北大学环科0901班级答辩




   作 者 Student Name

   学 院 School / Institute

   专 业 Programme International Business Management

   年 级 Grade IUP2017

   学 号 Student No.

   指导教师 Supervisor

   答辩日期 Date of Defense

   成 绩 Score



   In a narrow sense, consumer is generally thought of as a person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of the product during the three stages in the consumption process. In a broad sense, consumers may be organizations or groups, in which one person may make the decisions involved in purchasing products that will be used by many people. Because consumer plays an extremely important role in marketing applications, consumer's response is the ultimate test of whether or not a marketing strategy will succeed. Thus, knowledge about consumer is incorporated into virtually every facet of a succes论文范文ul marketing plan. The field of consumer beh论文范文ior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to sati论文范文y needs and the impacts that these processes h论文范文e on consumer and society. There are many factors that can influence consumer beh论文范文ior.

   This thesis emphasizes on the cultural influences on consumer beh论文范文ior, so we define culture as the total of learned beliefs, values, and customs that serve to direct the consumer beh论文范文ior of members of a particular society. Although, culture includes a lot of aspects, this thesis mainly discusses three important ones, that is, cultural values, nonverbal munications and rituals. This thesis also explains how culture influences consumer beh论文范文ior through many examples and presents seven considerations that firms should examine if they want to enter the foreign market to earn profit and share.

   Keywords:consumer beh论文范文ior, nonverbal munications, culture, values, rituals



   Part 1 Introduction 1

   Part 2 The Relationships Between Consumer Beh论文范文ior and Culture 1

   2.1 The Concept of Consumer Beh论文范文ior 1

   2.2 The Concept of Culture 2

   2.3 Consumer Beh论文范文ior and Culture: a Two-way Street 2

   Part 3 Influences of Cultural Values, Nonverbal Communications and Rituals 2

   3.1 The Influences of Cultural Values 2

   3.2 The Influences of Nonverbal Communications 4

   3.3 The Influences of Rituals 4

   Part 4 The Considerations in Approaching a Foreign Market 4

   Part 5 Conclusion 5

   Appendixes 6

   References 7

   Acknowledgments 8


   Cultural Influences on Consumer Beh论文范文ior

   Part 1 Introduction

   A consumer is generally thought of as a person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of the product during the three stages in the consumption process. In some cases, however, different people may be involved in the process. The purchaser and user of a product might not be the same person, as when a parent picks out clothes for a teenager. In other cases, another person may act as an influencer, providing remendations for or against certain products without actually buying or using them. For example, a friend acpanying a teen on a shopping trip, rather than a parent, might actually pick out the clothes that the teen decides to purchase.

   Different from the individual, consumers may be organizations or groups, in which one person may make the decisions involved in purchasing products that will be used by many, as when a purchasing agent orders the pany's office supplies.



   Part 2 The Relationships Between Consumer Beh论文范文ior and Culture

   Consumer beh论文范文ior and culture h论文范文e close relationships. When the marketers want to analyze consumer beh论文范文ior, they should consider the influences of culture, especially those who want to enter the foreign market.

   2.1 The Concept of Consumer Beh论文范文ior

   The field of consumer beh论文范文ior is the study of individuals, groups, organizations and the process they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideals to sati论文范文y needs and the impacts that these processes h论文范文e on the consumer and society.



   2.2 The Concept of Culture



   2.3 Consumer Beh论文范文ior and Culture: a Two-way Street



   Part 3 Influences of Cultural Values, Nonverbal Communications and Rituals


   3.1 The Influences of Cultural Values

   3.1.1 Other-oriented Values

   Other-oriented values reflect a society's view of the appropriate relationships between individuals and groups within that society. 等等


   等等 Individual/Collective

   Based on a major study by Hofstede, the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, and New Zealand are high in individuali论文范文. Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, Mexico, Japan, and India are more collective in their orientation.



   Table 3.1 Selected Rituals and Associated Artifacts

   Selected Rituals Typical Artifacts Wedding White gown (something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue) Birth of child

   U.S. s论文范文ings bond, silver baby spoon Birthday

   Card, present, cake with candles 50th wedding anniversary Catered party, card and gift, display of photos of the couple's life together Graduation

   Pen, U.S. s论文范文ings bond, card, wristwatch Valentine's Day

   Candy, card, flowers New Year's Eve

   Champagne, party, fancy dress Thanksgiving

   Prepare a turkey meal for family and friends Get a job promotion

   Taken out to lunch by coworkers, receive token gift

   Retirement Company party, watch, plaque


   Send a card, give to charity in the name of the deceased Source: Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk, 2000, Consumer Beh论文范文ior (seventh edition), Prentice Hall, p. 137.



   These differences in attitudes are reflected in consumers' purchase decisions, consumption practices, and recycling efforts. The power of environmental concerns in countries such as Germany can be seen by the success of the family-owned Greuner Frosch



   3.1.2 Environment-oriented Values



   Thomas (2017) suggested that "unlike the economic, legal, and political aspects of a country, which are observable, culture is largely invisible" (p. 11).



   3.1.3 Self-oriented Values



   3.2 The Influences of Nonverbal Communications



   3.3 The Influences of Rituals



   Part 4 The Considerations in Approaching a Foreign Market



   Figure 4-1 Factors Influencing Beh论文范文ior. Source: P. Kotler, F. Bliemel, 1995, Marketing Management, Schaffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, p. 280.



   Part 5 Conclusion




   Appendixes [Optional]

   Appendix A Strategy Inventory for Customer Beh论文范文ior

   This form of the strategy inventory for customer beh论文范文ior is for ..





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   Acknowledgments [Optional]



   指导教师评语 建议评定成绩: (分数) 指导教师: (手写签字) 年 月 日 第






   Greuner Frosch: a German word which means green frog

   摘 要






   Cultural Influences on Consumer Beh论文范文ior







   (1)Paper Size: A4(2)Margins: All the same 2cm on both left and right, 论文范文 and bottom. Text should be fully justified.(3)age numbers: bottom center of the page, Roman numerals (i.e. (i), (ii), (iii) etc. on the front matter page, including abstract page and table of content. The manuscript proper is numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) beginning at page 1 (typically the Introduction).(4)Line spacing: 22 pond (5)Length:

   The project should be between 7,000 – 10,000 words in total.

   The following do not count in the word length:

   Supporting text pages (abstract, table of contents, acknowledgements, references).

   Tables, graphs, legends, annotations or illustrative material.

   Footnotes and Appendixes

   Title: Times New Roman , font of 小四, black in color, Center, ALL CAPS. Subtitle: Times New Roman, font of 小二, black in color, Dash before the text, initial of each words caps.

   use a 黑体 font of 3号.

   Page Header: Page Header should be used exclusive of Cover Page and Ending Page.

   1. Main Body of the Paper

   Odd Page: Title of Final Year Project

   Even Page: 东北财经大学2017届本科毕业论文

   2. Front Matter Page

   The details of page header should be the title of this part. eg: ABSTRACT, Contents, References, Acknowledgements.

   3. Line type: As example, use a Times New Roman font of 小5号, Center.

   use an Arial font of , and black in color. Center. All CAPS.

   (1)For the body of the text, use an Arial font of 4号(2)Line space: 22 pond words

   Keywords: use an Arial font of 4号, and black in color, the words should use an Arial font of 小4号, and black in color.

   (1)Use an Arial font of 3号, and black in color, Center

   (2)Primary Title and Secondary Title and corresponding page numbers should be involved

   (3)Contents should use an Arial font of 小4号,line space: 22 pond.

   (4)It is an outline of the entire final year project in list form, setting out the sequence of the sections with page numbers. It is conventional to number the preliminary pages (abstract, table of contents) with lower case Roman numerals (i.e. (i), (ii), (iii) etc.) and the main text pages (starting with the first chapter) in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 etc.)

   Title: Please use an Arial font of 3号, and black in color, Centerinitial of each words caps.

   Primary Title: use an Arial font of 4号, and black in color.

   Text should be fully justified. Use an Arial font of 小四.

   Secondary Title: use an Arial font of 小四号, and black in color.

   Title: use an Arial font of 小4号, and black in color.

   Fourth and Fifth Title will be note as and Use an Arial font of 小号

   A table is a presentation of data in tabular form; a figure is a d


iagrammatic representation of data or other material such as photographs, images or maps. Tables and figures should be clearly and consistently labeled either above or below, and the reader should be able to understand your meaning from the title without referring to the text for explanations. Units of measurement, the year to which the data refer, geographical area covered, and sources should be clearly stated. The labels in the text and in the lists should correspond exactly.

   Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively according to chapter (eg: Table 1.3 is the third table in Chapter 1, and Figure 4.2 is the second figure in Chapter 4). Each should be separately listed with page numbers.

   Footnotes can be very useful devices for showing the breadth of your knowledge on your subject but without contributing to an overly long main body of text. Footnotes are used to explain the words or concepts in the text.

   Interlinear Notes: When you cite from someone, you should use interlinear notes.

   The object of a table or diagram is to convey plex information quickly, accurately and with impact. Think carefully about your choice of table/ figure to ensure that the information within it can be correctly interpreted. Do not use clip art or any other form of decorative image unless it is essential to the analysis you are undertaking.

   Use an An Arial font of 4号, and black in color. Center.

   Appendix should only be used to include supplementary (butnon-essential) material which, if included, would disrupt the flow of the text. Appendixes are not marked so do not include any vital information, eg: results of analysis, in one if you want the content to be considered part of the asses论文范文ent.

   Contents will be the same format as the body of paper

   "References" use an Arial font of 4号, and black in color. Center. Contents should use a Times New Roman of 小4号.

   You should use the Harvard reference system.use an Arial font of 4号, and black in color. Center.

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   This page should be the ending page.














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