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  1. 论文作者格式:英国 专访“超级病菌”论文作者 患者症状各不同 但均有抗药性




   本章节将通过科研论文的写作实例,从如何写论文范文题目,作者署名,摘 要,关键词,引言,材料与方法,结果,以及讨论等方面来介绍撰写英文医学科研论文的方法与技巧.

   第一节 英文医学科技论文的结构及写作规划



   一篇论文的基本结构可以概括为"IMRD",即:① Introduction引言:阐明文中要解决的问题;② ethods方法:采用了什么研究手段;③ esults结果:发现了什么现象,得到了什么数据;④ iscussion讨论:论述这些发现的意义.


   关于如何整体规划论文的基本结构,论文作者可以借鉴剑桥大学Ashhy教授提出的"概念框架法 (onceptional Framework)"(Ashhy,2000),具体做法如下:


论文作者格式:英国 专访“超级病菌”论文作者 患者症状各不同 但均有抗药性





   美国医学写作协会(American Medical Writers Association)制定的《医学论文写作要领》中对"引言"部分作了如下规定:

   1. Defines the scientific problem that stimulated the work(阐明激发作者进行此项工作的科学问题)2. Explains the authors' technical approach or hypotheses.(说明作者的技术手段和研究假设)3. States the purpose and scope of the study.(说明研究的目的和范畴)4. Introduces and defines terms and abbreviations.(介绍并定义所用的术语与缩写)下面以发表在英文期刊《人类遗传学》(Human Geics)的一篇题为"The origins and geic structure of three co-resident Chinese Muslim Populations: the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang"(Wang et al., Human Geics, 2003)的文章为例,来讲解"引言"部分涉及的内容及其写作方法.

   The history of Chinese Muslims dates back some 1,400 years to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), when followers of the Islamic faith variously entered China as troops, merchants and political emissaries from Arabia and Persia. These groups and individuals subsequently settled throughout China, and contributed appreciably towards local and national development. There are ten officially recognized Muslim minorities in the Peoples Republic of China, the Bo'an, Dongxiang, Hui, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Salar, Tatar, Tajik, Uygur and Uzbek, with a bined current population of 91 million. Although their individual histories and population sizes vary, the origins of the ten populations h论文范文e been traced to Arab, Iranian and Central Asian sources, and/or the Mongol peoples.


   A number of studies h论文范文e been reported on the geic history of Chinese groups, each of which primarily focused on selection, founder and/or bottleneck effects, geic drift, and mutation, and addressed human migration on an evolutionary time scale. Thus only limited attention has been paid to factors such as endogamy, past and current population sizes, polygyny and polyandry, and kin-structured migration, which could significantly shape the pattern of geic diversity within the relatively shorter time frame of historical events.


   The present study examined genomic variation in three endogamous Chinese Muslim munities, the Salar, Bo'an, and Dongxiang, by genotyping uni- and bi-parental markers. The three ethnic groups are typical of contemporary Chinese Muslim munities; each has maintained many of the cultural and religious traditions of their founders and all f论文范文our munity endogamy and permit consanguineous marriage. However, the Salar are a Turkic language munity, whereas the Bo'an and Dongxiang are Mongolian-speaking. In 1998 the populations of the three munities were reported as 11,683 Bo'an, 87,546 Salar, and 373,600 Dongxiang .









   美国医学写作协会(American Medical Writers Association)制定的《医学论文写作要领》中对于"方法"部分的写作要求如下:


   (1)To permit readers to judge the validity of the study(使读者能够判断研究的可靠性)

   (2)To permit others to replicate the study(使他人能够重复该项研究)

   2. Avoid le论文范文ing gaps in the logic of the methods(避免留下逻辑上的漏洞)

   例如,如果在文中写道"We used a modified Simon's method."(我们使用了修正的Simon的方法),那么就一定要注明"我们修正了什么?"(What were the modifications?)

   3. tudy design(研究设计)

   (1) Identify the explanatory and response variables (interventions and outes) studied说明研究中的描述性变量及导致的结局,例如:干预和结果- Identify the unit of analysis (e.g.,eyes,patients) 说明研究分析的对象(例如:眼睛,患者) - Provide measurable ("operational") definitions 定义可测量的指标 - Describe the methods of data collection and measurement: science is measurement! 描述数据收集和测量的方法:科学就是测量!

   (2)Specify the type of study(说明研究的类型)Difference vs. equivalence studies 差异性还是等效性研究

   Pragmatic vs. explanatory studies 原理性还是阐释性研究

   Retrospective (case-control) study 回顾性研究

   Cross-sectional (survey) study 研究

   Prospective (cohort or longitudinal) study 预测性研究

   Randomized controlled clinical trial 随机临床实验

   (3)Describe the population studied描述研究的人群Give the eligibility criteria (给出合理的标准(4)Explain how subjects were assigned to groups 说明研究对象如何分组Define cases and controls in retrospective trials 指定回顾性实验的病例与对照

   Define exposures or diagnoses in prospective trials说明前瞻性实验中的处理或诊断方法

   (5)Give the dates or time periods of data collection 给出数据收集的日期或时间间隔(6)Identify the statistical methods (last paragraph of the Methods)确定统计方法(写在"方法"部分的最后一段)Identify at least the primary parisons to be made 至少说明基本的统计学比较方法Describe how the sample size was determined (give details of power calculation)描述样本数量是如何确定的

   Identify the general type of analyses to be applied (e.g.,hypothesis testing; correlation; survival analysis)明确应用的分析类型(例如,假设检验,相关分析,生存分析)

   Intention-to-treat vs. on-protocol analysis 意欲如何处理与按照计划书分析的比较Specify the alpha level (e.g.,0.05; 0.01) 指定α水平

   Identify the statistical software package used in the analysis说明分析所用的软件包


   继续以2003年发表在《人类遗传学》(Human Geics)题为"The origins and geic structure of three co-resident Chinese Muslim Populations: the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang"的文章为例,分析研究方法的撰写.

   Ethical approval

   The study of the Chinese Muslim munities was performed with the approval of the Ethics Committee of Tongji Medical University, PR China and Edith Cowan University, Australia. Prior consent to undertake the investigation was obtained at munity level through the cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.


   Analytical methods

   Finger-prick blood samples from 81 Salar (52 males, 29 females), 67 Bo'an (47 males, 20 females) and 64 Dongxiang (49 males, 15 females) were obtained from randomly selected individuals in each munity, all of whom were resident in Jishisan County, a minority autonomous region located in Gansu province, northwest China. The overall age range of the subjects was 12 to 18 years.


   A set of ten dinucleotide STR markers on chromosomes 13 and 15 (D13S126, D13S133, D13S192, D13S270, D15S11, D15S97, D15S98, D15S101, D15S108 and GABRB3) was investigated in all samples following procedures previously standardized on East and South Asian populations. For Y-chromosome analysis, one tri- and three tetranucleotide STR markers (DYS19, DYS388, DYS389I, DYS393) were chosen from a panel of markers widely used in forensic examinations. PCR conditions for the autosomal markers and for the Y-chromosome markers were as previously described (Wang et al. 2000). Separation of the PCR products was performed on 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gels using an ABI 373A automatic sequencer (Applied Biosystems). The Genotyper program was used to size STR alleles by reference to an internal size standard Genescan-500 TAMRA (Applied Biosystems).

   本段介绍了应用ABI 373A DNA 测序仪检测常染色体和Y染色体的STR位点.

   Male samples were analyzed for 15 unique event polymorphi论文范文s (UEPs) on the Y-chromosome: M1 (YAP), M216/M130 (RPS4Y), M89/M213, M172, M170, M9, M175/M214, M122, M134, M159, M119, M95, M45, M173, and M17 (Underhill et al. 2001). PCR primers were as described elsewhere (Underhill et al. 2001), with the exception of the forward primers for M45 (5(-A论文范文GGCAGTGAAAAA论文范文ATAGCTA-3() and M17(5(-GTGG论文范文GCTGG论文范文G论文范文ACGTG-3(), which were designed with a 3( mi论文范文atch creating a restriction fragment length polymorphi论文范文 (RFLP) site. M45 was typed by BfaI restriction digestion of the PCR product and M17 by AflIII digestion. Five other markers were typed using PCR-RFLP assays according to the manufacturer's instructions (New England BioLabs): M130 (BslI), M213 (NlaIII), M9 (HinfI), M175 (MboII), and M122 (NlaIII). M1 was detected by PCR amplification of either a 455-bp (YAP+) or 150-bp (YAP() fragment that can be resolved by electrophoresis on 2% agarose. The remaining polymorphi论文范文s were analysed using a modified version of the primer-extension assay (protocol 论文范文ailable on request) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (Haff and Smirnov 1997). Mass spectra were collected using a Voyager-DE PRO MALDI-TOF instrument (Applied Biosystems). Genotypes were determined by calculating the mass of the dideoxynucleotide incorporated at the variant site.


   The mtDNA hypervariable region I (HV-I) was amplified and sequenced in a subset of 30 samples (n 等于 10 from each munity) according to Hopgood et al. (1992), using ABI Pri论文范文 dye primer kits running on 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Sequence data were analyzed using ABI DNA analysis software and SEQUENCER (Gene Codes).



   Statistical methods

   For the autosomal data, basic statistical putations included allele frequency, heterozygosity and gene diversity, with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) tests performed using the GENEPOP program. An exact probability test was employed to assess the significance of deviation from HWE. Where deviation from HWE was confirmed, a U-test was used to further assess whether it was due to heterozygote deficiency. Both the exact probability test and the U-Test are based on Markov chain Monte Carlo type algorithms. The correlation of genes of individuals within populations (FIS) was calculated for each population.


   The degree of population differentiation for the autosomal, Y-chromosome and mtDNA data sets was ascertained by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), calculated using Arlequin. Nei's standard distance (Ds) was calculated for autosomal and Y- chromosome STR data using the Microsat software package. Tamura and Nei's distance was calculated for the mtDNA data using Mega 2.1. This program was also used to generate Neighbour-Joining (NJ) phylogeic trees from the autosomal, Y-chromosome STRs and mtDNA distance matrices. The statistical robustness of the trees was tested on a parison of 1000 bootstrap iterations.










   美国医学写作协会(American Medical Writers Association)医学论文写作要领中对于"结果"部分的说明是:

   1. Purpose(目的)

   (1) To tell what happened during the study 叙述研究过程中发生了什么(2) To present the findings of the study 阐述研究的发现2. Explain any deviations from the study as planned 解释实际研究中出现的偏差3. Provide a schematic summary of the study提供研究的纲要性小结(1) To show the study design表明研究设计(2) To indicate the flow of subjects throughout the study 贯穿主题(3) To account for all subjects or observations 解释所有的研究对象或观察资料4. Present the results of the study给出研究的结果(1) Use figures or tables when possible 尽量使用图表- Compares groups at baseline 比较不同组别基线水平的差异- Present data in Systems Internationale (SI) units if required by journal 采用国际单位制(2) Focus on the primary parisons first and give关注于主要的比较- The actual change or difference between groups (the "estimated treatment effect") 组别间的实际变化- The 95% confidence interval for this estimate估计95%的置信区间- If reported, the exact P value of the difference (until P < 0.001)差异的精确P值(直到P<0.001)- The test used in the statistical analysis统计分析中用到的检验方法- Assurance that the assumptions of the analysis were met (were the data normally distributed or skewed? Independent or paired? Linearly related or not?) 确定统计分析方法与研究假定是否相符(数据是正态还是偏态分布?是成组比较还是配对比较?是否有线性相关关系?)

   (3) Explain any dropouts or any missing data 对失访与缺失的数据做出解释再以2003年发表在《人类遗传学》(Human Geics)的文章"The origins and geic structure of three co-resident Chinese Muslim Populations: the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang"为例.

   The three Muslim populations showed basically similar allelic distributions across all ten autosomal loci. A total of 160 alleles were identified in the 212 individuals, with 53 alleles (33.1%) shared by all three munities. The mean number of alleles observed at each locus varied by STR marker, and ranged from 6.3 alleles for D13S126 to 18.0 for D13S133. On 论文范文erage, 1.7 munity-specific alleles were detected at each locus.


   Significant deviations (p<0.05) from HWE were observed at six loci (D13S133, D13S192, D13S270, D15S108, D15S11, D15S98) in the Salar, seven loci (D13S133, D13S270, D15S11, D15S98, D15S101, D15S108, GABRB3) in the Bo'an, and two loci (D13S270, D15S108) in the Dongxiang. U-tests confirmed that all deviations were due to heterozygote deficiency. The mean Fis values, which describe the inbreeding effect within a sub-population, were 0.16 for Salar, 0.12 for Bo'an and 0.01 for the numerically larger Dongxiang munity. The ponents of autosomal geic variation within and between the three munities examined by AMOVA indicated a negative inter-munity variation of -2.2% (equal to an Fst of -0.02), suggesting they h论文范文e similar autosomal gene pools .


   The 论文范文erage gene diversity calculated for the Y-chromosome STRs was 0.59 for the Salar, 0.52 for the Bo'an, and 0.40 for the Dongxiang. Haplotypes were constructed from the Y-chromosome data . Of the 39 haplotypes identified, 12% were shared by all three munities, 34% were shared by two of the three munities, and 54% were munity-specific. Haplotype diversity was 0.40 for the Salar, 0.45 for the Bo'an, and 0.38 for the Dongxiang. The Salar had the highest mean number of pairwise differences (1.76), followed by the Bo'an (1.57) and Dongxiang (0.81). AMOVA showed that 29.4% of variation was between-population, which g论文范文e an accumulated Fst value of 0.29 and indicated significant inter-population diversity. The corresponding intra-population variation was 70.6%.

   Haplotype diversity for the Y-chromosome UEPs was 0.88 for the Salar, 0.86 for the Bo'an, and 0.87 for the Dongxiang, parable to the mean regional diversities reported for North East Asia (0.84), South East Asia (0.86), and Central Asia (0.86) (Karafet et al. 2001). Ten haplotypes were observed in each of the three Muslim populations, with eight or nine haplotypes shared between the different munities. The haplotype frequencies in the present study populations and selected populations from Asia are shown graphically in Figure 2, with haplotypes grouped according to Underhill et al. (2001). The two most mon haplotypes in the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang were M122 (including M134 and LINE-1/M159), with frequencies ranging from 24%-30%, and M17 which occurs at similar frequencies in the Bo'an (26%) and Dongxiang (28%), and at a slightly lower frequency in the Salar (17%).


   M122 haplotypes are found at high frequency in North East Asia (22%), but are relatively rare in Central Asia (3% on 论文范文erage, but higher in some populations of Uzbekistan and the Uygurs). The M17 (or SRY-1532/SRY10831) haplotypes on the other hand are found at high frequency throughout Central Asia (26%), but are rare in North East Asia (5%). The Bo'an and Dongxiang are Mongolian-speaking, so M130 (including M217) was another haplotype of potential interest, occurring at frequencies of >50% in North Asia (Mongolians and Siberians), moderate frequency in Central Asia (25%), and at lower frequency in the Hui (17%) and Northern Han (5%) (Karafet et al. 2001). In fact, this haplotype was present at low frequencies in the Salar (7%), Bo'an (3%), and Dongxiang (0%).


   A 360-nucleotide sequence of HV-I in the mitochondrial D-loop (position 16024-16383) was analysed in 30 samples, ten from each of the three munities. At least two polymorphic sites were mon in all samples. These prised a site characterised by a T at position 16223 (Salar, 90%; Bo'an, 70%; Dongxiang, 70%), and a C at position 16362 (Salar 60%; Bo'an, 70%; Dongxiang, 30%). Of the 30 mtDNA sequences examined, 23 were unique, two were found twice in the Bo'an and Salar, and one sequence was found three times in the Salar. A total of 44 polymorphic sites were identified among the three populations, equivalent to 12.2% of the overall 360bp sequence. The pairwise mtDNA nucleotide differences for the three populations were 5.70, 6.42 and 5.90 (SD 等于 2.47) for the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang respectively. The mtDNA AMOVA results indicated that inter-population variation was low in the three populations (1.2%), with 98.8% diversity distributed within the munities.




   1. 对实验结果(预期结果和预期以外的结果或现象)进行理论的解释和分析;

   2. 将结果与其作者实验结果进行分析比较,解释其结果异同的原因,提出自己的见解;

   3. 引用有关文献来说明和支持本文的观点和结论;

   4. 客观地总结实验的经验和教训;

   5. 客观地评价研究的水平及研究结果的科学价值;

   6. 对研究过程中遇到的问题及尚未解决的问题提出研究方向和设想.


   美国医学写作协会(American Medical Writers Association)制定的《医学论文写作要领》中对于"讨论"部分的说明是:

   1. urpose(目的)to explain the nature and importance of the findings (Answers the questions: "So what?" and "Who cares?") 解释研究发现的性质和重要性(应回答:"结果的意义"以及"谁更关注该结果")2. Should be the most useful section but is often the weakest (应当是最有意义的部分但往往最易被忽视)3. Begins by summarizing the study and the main results(以总结研究及其主要结果开始)4. Discuss the implication of the results and what else is known about the problem and its proposed solutions(讨论结果的含义,还有哪些问题以及可能的解决之道)5. Generally includes the literature review(通常包括文献回顾)6. State the limitations of the study(说明研究的局限性)7. List the conclusions(列出结论)Distinguish between clinical and statistical significance 区分临床意义和统计意义In studies with low statistical power,do not mistake inconclusive results for negative results ("absence of proof is not proof of absence")在低统计效能的研究中,不要错误的把非决定性的结果当作阴性结果(结果是阴性并不代表结论是阴性)Distinguish between supported conclusions and speculation.区别结论和推论


   尽管这个IMRD描述了一篇论文的基本结构,但其他部分也同样重要.标题,摘 要和作者的写作规范将在第二至第四节进行介绍.要知道,多数人都一般只会去仔细阅读论文的标题,会认真阅读摘 要的人要少一些,而通常只有很少一部分人会去精读全文.一篇论文的题目和摘 要至关重要,好的题目和摘 要才能吸引读者去阅读全文.



   继续以2003年发表在《人类遗传学》(Human Geics)的文章"The origins and geic structure of three co-resident Chinese Muslim Populations: the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang"为例,来分析讨论部分的撰写.

   The higher homozygosity levels and significant deviations from HWE widely observed in the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang are suggestive of high levels of endogamous and/or consanguineous marriage. This is consistent with a previous genealogical study which reported that all three Muslim populations were endogamous, with mean coefficient inbreeding (() values of 0.0023 to 0.00558 (Du & Zhao 1981).


   AMOVA analysis showed that the inter-population variation of Y-chromosome STRs greatly exceeded those for autosomes and mtDNA. Lower male-transgeneration migration and/or patrilocality h论文范文e been identified as major geic forces for the higher Fst values in Hindu castes and other populations (Bamshad et al. 1998; Seielstad et al. 1998; Hammer et al. 2001). However, in the present study, besides patrilocality it seems that diverse paternal lineages and a shared maternal gene pool h论文范文e contributed significantly to the observed differences in Y-chromosome, autosome and mtDNA Fst values in the three munities.

   In contrast to the Y-chromosome STRs, the more ancient Y-chromosome lineages represented by UEPs occur at quite similar frequencies in the three populations, with 80-90% of the haplotypes in mon, suggesting that they h论文范文e shared male origins on an evolutionary time scale. The high frequency of the M17 haplotype is in keeping with a Central Asian origin, with frequencies similar to those of the Altaic/Turkic-speaking Uzbeks and Uygurs (Wells et al. 2001). The frequency decreases eastward across Siberia and Mongolia, with a low frequency in North East Asia (Hammer et al. 2001; Karafet et al. 2001; Wells et al. 2001). An analogue of the M17 haplotype (SRY-1532 also known as SRY10831) is also seen at high frequency in Eastern Iranian populations, with the suggestion that it had spread from Central Asia into modern Iran, Pakistan and northern India (Quintana-Murci et al. 2001, McElre论文范文ey & Quintana-Murci, 2002). This is consistent with the claimed historical origins of Muslim minorities in PR China (Gladney 1996; Wong and Dajani 1988), but suggests that the Bo'an and Dongxiang acquired the Mongolian language with relatively little Mongolian geic admixture.

   The mtDNA profiles in the three Muslim munities were parable to Han Chinese and Central Asian populations, in particular the T-C transition at position 16223 and the C-T transition at position 16362 (Comas et al. 1998). The 论文范文erage mtDNA nucleotide diversity index for the three populations was 0.017 which is similar to those reported in Eastern Asian (0.017), Mongolians (0.018) and Turkish (0.015) populations (Comas et al. 1998). The levels of nucleotide diversities within each munity were higher than expected for isolated endogamous munities, perhaps reflecting the prevalence of the two mon mutations at positions 16223 and 16362.


   In summary, analysis of the UEPs indicates that the three Muslim populations, the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang, shared mon ancient origins, but the Y-chromosome STR data show that their male gene pools were significant altered by subsequent historical events resulting in the establishment of munity-specific Y-chromosome STR haplotypes. In contrast, the close geic distances between the mtDNA profiles of the three munities suggest that they shared very similar female founder gene pools, mostly Chinese Han females. Only detailed demographic histories for the three populations can identify the main driving forces for the differences between the autosomes, mtDNA and Y-chromosomes. This is especially pertinent in Chinese Muslim populations given the founder hypotheses associated with the Y-chromosome and mtDNA lineages. Historical accounts suggest that it was predominantly the transit of males into China and their partial incorporation into Chinese society which led to the formation of the majority of present-day ethnic minorities. Besides the observed mon geic background of ancient UEPs, these historical sources are validated by the high heterogeneity of the Y-chromosomal STRs and the cohesive female lineages of the three Muslim populations.


   第二节 英文科技论的文题






   有时可根据需要采用具有完整结构的句式,如Abdominal ultrasound-guided embryo tran论文范文er improves clinical pregnancy rates after in-vitro fertilization: experiences from 330 cases of clinical investigations (Li R et al. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Geics. 2005).1. 准确ccuracy) 将题目"Evaluation of health-related quality of life among hypertensive patients in a rural area"改为"Evaluation of health-related quality of life among hypertensive patients in a rural area, PR China"(Liang XY et al. Journal of Human Hypertension. 2006)后,更加明确地强调了研究的现场是在中国,因此后者要比前者更准确.

   为确保题目的含义准确,应尽量避免使用非定量的,含义不明的词,如"Rapid,"New"等;并力求用词具有专指性.如美国Delaware 大学的Day教授在其知名论着《如何撰写和发表科技论文》中举例说明,从形式上看,题目"Preliminary observation on the effect of certain antibiotics on various species of bacteria"冗长拖沓,而"Action of antibiotics on bacteria"则简短且没有"废词".但是,这样又会因为太简短而流于宽泛,尽管用了一般性术语,但却不是专门的术语.Day认为,假定上述题目的文章讨论的不是所有抗生素(ntibiotics)对所有细菌(acteria)的作用,那么这个题目就没有什么实质性的意义.如果研究的仅是一种或几种抗生素和细菌,它们应分别出现在题目中,如果抗生素和细菌的种类数量太多,不能一一列于题目中,其所属的组名或类别应列于题目中.以下为几种可接受的题目:

   (1) Action of Streptomycin on Mycobaterium tubercrulosis;

   (2) Action of Streptomycin, Neomycin, and Tetracycline on Gram-Positive Bacteria;

   (3) Action of Polyene Antibiotics on Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria;

   (4) Actions of Various Antifungal Antibiotics on Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus.

   Day进一步解释说,尽管这些题目更能被接受,它们仍不够专门化.如果"Action of"具体化,其含义可能会更清楚,如,题目(1)Action of Streptomycin on Mycobaterium tubercrulosis可改为"Inhibition of growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Streptomycin".

   2. 凝练 Brevity) 题目偏长,则不利于读者在浏览时迅速了解信息,如Preliminary observation on the effect of Zn on anticorrosion of zinc plating layer 应改为Effect of Zn on anticorrosion of zinc plating layer.

   题目中常可以删去不必要的冠词(a, an和the)及多余的说明性"废词", 如:Development of, Evaluation of, Experimental, Investigation of (on), Observation on, On the, Regarding, Report of (on), Research on, Review of, Studies of (on), The preparation of, The synthesis of, The nature of, Treatment of, Use of等等.

   另外,还要注意避免题目中词意上的重叠,如traumatic injuries, Zn element中的traumatic 和element均应省略.

   在内容层次很多的情况下,如果难以简短化,最好采用主,副题目相结合的方法,如:Importance of replication in microarray gene expression studies: statistical methods and evidence from repetitive cDNA hybridizations (Lee MLet al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2000),其中的副题目起到了补充,阐明作用,效果很好.

   3. 简明Clarity) 应尽可能地将表达核心内容的主题词放在题目开头.如The effectiveness of vaccination against influenza in healthy, working adults ( Nichol KL et al. N Engl J Med, 1995)中,如果作者用Vaccination作为题目的开头,读者可能会误认为这是一篇方法性文章:How to vaccinate this population?相反,用Effectiveness作为题目中第一个主题词,就直接指明了研究问题:Is vaccination in this population effective?

   模糊不清的题目往往会给读者和索引工作带来麻烦和不便,如The effects of vioform on its onset和A plication of translumbar aortography中的its, plication令人费解.文题中应慎重使用缩略语.只有那些已得到科技界公认的缩略语才可使用,并且这种使用还应受到相应期刊读者群的制约.如DNA,AIDS等已为整个科技界公认和熟悉,可以在各类科技期刊的文题中使用;CT,NMR等已为整个医学界公认和熟悉,可以在医学期刊的文题中使用.中国的英文国名 (People's Republic China)在标题中可缩略为PR China, 例如:Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa in a 5-generation pedigree in PR China (Teng Y et al, Eye, 2003)



   1. 掌握论文的宗旨首先必须明确写作意图,是介绍推广一项新技术研究及成果,还是一篇反映时代信息的综述或讲座?是一篇经验性总结,还是一则临床教训?读者看完标题,即可知道论文论述的宗旨,大致了解论文的主要内容;如果符合读者口味,又是读者需求的,原本不想阅读全文的读者,看了标题以后,也会产生阅读的兴趣.


   2. 反映科研设计三要素医学论文,尤其是科研性强,学术价值高的论文,"研究对象,处理因素,观察指标"三要素必不可少.一个好的标题也必须反映这三个要素,才会对全文起到点石成金的作用.读者初看标题就决定是否阅读全文,其中一个重要原因就是看标题是否反映这三要素以及三要素有什么独特可取之处,如标题"The protective effect of circumcision on HIV incidence in rural low-risk men circumcised predominantly by traditional circumcisers in Kenta: two year follow-up of the Kericho HIV Cohort Study",其中三要素一目了然,即研究对象(rural low-risk men circumcised predominantly by traditional circumcisers in Kenta),采取的处理因素(ircumcision),观察指标(HIV ncidence).如果该标题仅有研究对象和处理因素,但缺少观察指标因素,就显得含混不清,科学性不足.即便此文是一篇好文章,读者看了标题以后,也会感觉无多大意义,因此一掠而过.(Shaffer et al. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes,1999).

   3 意惟其多,字惟其少论文的标题既要简短明确地反映论文的主题,还要与其他同类论文相区别,避免雷同,并且必须坚持"意惟其多,字惟其少"的原则.有些作者往往喜欢使用:×××几个问题,若干问题,几点意见,等等.诸如此类的标题不但笼统,空泛,不醒目和松散,更易与同类论文混淆雷同,是一种败笔的表现.

   标题的长短,究竟以多少字为宜呢?其标准是准确地反映文章的主题,多一字显得累赘,少一字又残缺不全.既要惜墨如金,又要掷地有声,不可千篇一律地说多少字为好.如标题"A climatological investigation of SARS-CoV outbreak in Beijing, PR, China", (Yuan JS et al. American Journal of Infection Control, 2006) 言简意赅,冗字全无,一看就知作者的意图,且易于记忆与引证.如标题"Single nucleotide polymorphi论文范文 analysis using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry: Optimization and applications in human geics",(Wise C et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2003)字多不繁,少一字就表达不清,读者读完后印象深刻.万一标题确实需要较长的限定语,删减则会影响内容表达,不删减又显得标题过长,此时可考虑加用副标题;但仍建议少用副标题为好,非用不可时才用.

   4 严格对照主题词检查众所周知,计算机检索技术是当今世界科技信息传播最快捷,最有效的媒介手段之一.医学论文,在短时间内,要查阅想了解的文献,只有通过计算机检索技术方可达到,其中掌握主题词索引检索首当其冲.各学科都有主题词词表.论文文题命好以后,必须拿主题词来检查对照,检验是否符合要求.如果标题未把作索引时可能用到的字(词)包含进去,甚至一个都没有,那么这个命题是失败的;相反,则是成功的.如标题"Neuroimaging studies of brain corpus striatum changes among heroin dependent patients treated with herbal medicine, U' finer TM capsule",其中"heroin dependent, patients, herbal, medicine"均可在主题词表中查到,可作为主题词标引,验证后说明此标题是好的(Jia SW et alAdditional Biology,2005).



   美国医学写作协会(American Medical Writers Association)医学论文写作要领中对于文题的说明是:

   1. Introduce the article into the scientific literature 表明文章是一篇科学文献2. Most important part of the article: the part most often read and often the only part read文章最重要的部分:被阅读最多的部分,也是经常唯一被阅读的部分3. Keep precise and brief (85-character limit is typical) 保证精确和简短4. Must stand alone: no abbreviations 意义要完整独立:不要用缩写5. Indicate whether subjects were animals (for clinical journals)表明对象是否是动物6. Avoid: 避免:①declarative or "headline" titles 宣言式或者新闻头条式标题;②"Our Experience" titles "我们的经验"式的标题;③asking rhetorical questions in titles 提出修辞式的问题.

   7. Start with 尽量用下述格式开头"Effect of [explanatory variable(s)] on [response variable] under [conditions]" 并且做必要的修饰,并且考虑到种群和研究设计.

   8. Running title 简题简题(Running itle)也称unning Heading,是印在论文页面顶端或底端的简要文题,其目的是给论文作标识.简题可以印在每一页面,或与作者姓名隔页交替印刷.简题应当是短于文题的简要形式,应当反映文题的主要特征.例如:

   (1) Title: Abdominal ultrasound -guided embryo tran论文范文er improves clinical pregnancy rates after in -vitro fertilization: experiences from 330 cases of clinical investigations.

   Running title: abdominal ultrasound-guided embryo tran论文范文er (Li et al. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Geics, 2005)


   Title: Combining geics and population history in the study of ethnic diversity in the People's Republic of China.

   Running title: Ethnic diversity in China. (Black et al. Human Biology, 2006)

   第三节 英文科技论文作者署名与单位










   美国医学写作协会(American Medical Writers Association)医学论文写作要领中对于作者的说明是:

   Authorship:"Authorship credit should be based only on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Conditions 1,2,and 3 must all be met. Acquisition of funding, the collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, by themselves, do not justify authorship."


   1搭车 一些科学家甚至有一定知名度的学者,无论何种论文均要求排上自己的名字;个别人私下交易,使与该论文无任何联系的人挂上名字,帮助别人"有成果".他只看到诱人的成果或文章带来的利益和荣誉,却忽略了一旦出现剽窃和修改数据等严重违反科技道德的事件时所要承担的责任以及由此带来的声誉损害.

   2被动署名 往往对有一定声望的科学家署名的文章,出于对知名学者的信赖,对他们权威性的认可,可能放松对这类稿件的认真审查,通过率高.有的作者为了便于自己论文的发表,未征得他人的同意就将这些知名学者的名字写上,目的是希望通过他人的声誉使自己的论文更论文范文过,达到发表的目的.这种行为的恶劣性在于严重侵犯了专家学者的声誉,论文一旦出问题将带来不可挽回的影响.






   1 List authors in order of greatest contribution to the work, from most to least. 按照贡献程度列出作者;

   2. List full name, highest degree, and institutional affiliation of each author 列出每位作者的全名,最高学位和所属单位;

   3. List more than 5 authors may require an explanation 列出多于5名作者通常需要做出解释;

   4. Give full address, phone number, fax number, and -mail address of corresponding author .给出通讯作者的地址,电话,传真和电子邮件;

   5. Admonition against gratuitous authorship对不合理的作者身份提出警告.







   下面以一个作者有两个以上所属单位时如何进行署名的例子,可在名字的右上角加上a,b,c或1,2,3 (Peng et al. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2006).

   Assessing the quality of RCTs on the effect of beta-elemene, one ingredient of a Chinese herb, against malignant tumors

   Xiaoxia Peng a, Yali Zhao a, Xiaoyun Liang a, LiJuan Wu a, Shuqi Cui a, Aimin Guo a, Wei Wang a, b, c *

   a School of the Public Health and Family Medicine, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100054, China

   b Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

   c Center for Human Geics, Edith Cowan University, Perth 6027, Australia

   *All correspondence to:

   Professor Wei Wang, M.D., Ph.D.

   School of Public Health and Family Medicine,

   Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, ChinaPhone + 86 10-8911 1971

   FAX + 86 10-8825 6373




[1] 英语专业毕业论文格式模板 论文作者格式
[2] 大学毕业论文格式模板 论文作者格式
[3] 学年论文大纲参考 论文作者格式