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基于RFID的药品供应链质量控制 论文提纲有关写作资料

主题:基于RFID的药品供应链质量控制 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-16



摘 , 要
射频识别,RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)是20世纪90年*始兴起的一种非接触式的自动识别技术.RFID技术的识别工作不需要人工干预,它是通过射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关数据,通过空间耦合(交互磁场或电磁场)实现无接触信息传递,并通过所传递的信息达到识别目的的技术.由于RFID的识别有非接触、远距离、自动识别、可抵御各种恶劣环境等优越性,它被看作是21世纪物流领域最重要的技术,相关研究也颇丰.近年来,RFID技术已经被广泛地应用于零售、海关、物流等行业.在医药行业的应用绝大多数是针对供应链内部节点企业的信息收集,建立企业内部的信息平台上,整个供应链上的RFID信息平台并不多.而药品供应链是一种特殊的供应链系统,它的对象是关乎生命健康的药品,而且大多数药物的储运和作业环境必须限制在低温、消毒、无尘的环境下,因此药品对生产、配送和销售过程、时间控制、运输形态有着特别的要求.因此建立一个买卖双方公平透明的信息渠道,实现药品在供应链上的实时可控是保障药品质量的关键.
本文运用规范的方法进行专题的研究.全文分为三个部分:首先, 量目的.

Radio frequency identification as a non-contact automatic identification technologywas rising quickly in the 90s of 20th century. The identification of RFID technology does not require human intervention, it is through the radio frequency signal automatically identify the target audience and get relevant data, through space coupling (magic or electromagic interactions) to achieve non-contact transmission of information, and pass the message to identify the purpose of technology . As the RFID identification of non-contact, distance, automatic identification, be able to withstand harsh environments such as a variety of advantages, it is seen as the most important logistics in the 21st century technology, research is also quite good. In recent years, RFID technology has been widely used in retail, customs, logistics and other industries. The application in the pharmaceutical industry, the vast majority of internal nodes of the supply chain for the pany's information gathering, set up an enterprise's internal information platform, the entire supply chain RFID information platform not much. The pharmaceutical supply chain is a special kind of supply chain system, which the object is a matter of life and health of the drugs, and most of the storage and transportation of drugs and the operating environment must be limited to low temperature, disinfection, clean environment, so drugs on the production , distribution and sales processes, time control, transportation patterns have a special request. Therefore, buyers and sellers to establish a fair and transparent information channels to achieve pharmaceutical supply chain real-time control is to protect the key to drug quality.
This article uses the standard method of study of the topic. Full-text is divided into three parts: first, to discuss the content of the supply chain, pharmaceutical supply chain and its specificity and drug problems in the supply chain, secondly, describes the characteristics of RFID, prospects and limitations and the technology used in pharmaceutical supply chain, quality control of the feasibility of the analysis, Finally, a case for further analysis of how RFID technology, suppliers, distribution centers and retailers of information between the exchange and sharing of quality control purpose has been reached.




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